Coda The universe is a phonograph, Our lives mere vinyl recordings Playing daily mundane tunes, Monotony annual practice. Bugles whine in the background, Drums lethargic from humdrum; Violins strumming mediocrity, Tap the exhausted sonata. Measures scoring hebetude, Mind drifts slowly to sleep. Man picks up the trombone, His stand assembled before him; Unleashing the […]
Poetry: When Love Is Taken From Them, They Instantly Fill
When Love Is Taken From Them, They Instantly Fill by John Rodzvilla When you are taken from me, I feel the need to fill my receiver. Soon comes the suffocating smell, the spirit of sulphur. Unlute the receiver! There will be about eighteen hours before booking and release. When I’m free I’ll lute your […]
Poetry: Dances
Dances By A.R. Salandy Tarred roads shudder As shabby vehicles Descend on commutes Repetitive but reliable still As a scorching orb bares down On paths caressed by golden rays That dance to the beat of a destruction Blinding and overwhelming- As air grows stifled By the slow drip of beaded sweat That acts as […]
Poetry: Down with Democracy!
Down with Democracy! By Wortley Clutterbuck Are not fools and stupid beings a majority in the world, and ought they not to have their representative? — Honoré de Balzac, Le Député d’Arcis. There’s been some muttering I’ve heard about a goverance preferred; it seems the lower classes want democracy, with all its cant. The […]