11 Thomas woke up thrashing. Terrified. His heart pounded as he tried to pin the source of his alarm. There was a rustling outside the front door. A big rustling. Pots and pans and glass bottles clashed together violently and something hit the front door. There was a monster outside. Giant nostrils snorted angrily and […]
Novella: Angels Falling – Chapters 9&10
9 His bed was comfortable. He was clean, he was safe, and he was bored. He couldn’t think of another piece of furniture to make, and he had nearly memorized his poetry. Enough fish hung in the trees to last until early March, and by then he would have had time to catch more. Hell, […]
Novella: Angels Falling – Chapters 7&8
7 It took one more try, as the ice was very thick, but after the second firing the rock wore the ice down and finally broke through to the bottom. The sun was up then and Thomas had been tapping his foot after consuming two more cups of coffee. When the glowing hot rock bubbled […]
Novella: Angels Falling – Chapters 5&6
5 The first months passed surprisingly quickly. The daytime narrowed by just over thirty minutes every week, and he was determined to make the most of this time. Soon there would be only five-and-a-half hours of sunlight between sunrise and sunset, when the sun would make a gloomy arch through the sky and leave the […]