1 Thomas was hungry. He had been hungry before, but this was different. During community college he dizzied himself with a restricted diet of instant noodles and peanut butter that did nothing but prevent the walls of his stomach from eating each other. College hunger was a rite of passage, and even a source of […]
Novellas: The Old Home Place – Chapter 13
On the drive back to the Old Home Place, Dr. Watkins sat in the back seat filling the car with talk while Cheryl stayed up front with Frank, her face angled into the stream of cool air pouring out of the air-conditioning vent. Whenever a fresh wave of nausea welled in her stomach, she held […]
Novellas: The Old Home Place – Chapter 11
“Cher, wake up,” Frank whispered, shaking her gently. “It’s late.” She opened her eyes and the bedroom filled with bright morning sunlight. At first she saw only the empty room, her clothes on the floor, the sheet she’d thrown over Frank the night before bunched at the bottom of the bed. Her back ached from […]
Novellas: The Old Home Place – Chapter 9
It was strange how she felt then, sitting alone in the dark in the crotch of an old oak tree deep in the backwoods of Virginia holding a dead cell phone in her hand. Free was part of it. But also unmoored. Untethered. It was her father who had insisted she buy a cell phone […]