Thorns I snag on things; Like the wind blown bags In the crooked fingers Of winter trees Or wool on a cold sheep’s back Clutched at by hungry thorns Or seaweed dashed and left dangling By eddying currents Against diamond sharp cliffs. I try to flow smoothly in the river of people But catch my […]
Poetry: Datenight by Samuel Wise
Datenight We were in her strange apartment When she got the call. Her grandpa needed his medication and ice cream, So she took off, leaving me with the cat. The cat has two different eyes, One fair blue and bright, The other is like that of a surgeon. Evaluating, examining, investigating, I stared at the […]
Podcast The Pub 51: NaNoNowWhat?
In this episode, we talk about what to do after completing NaNoWriMo. Sarah learns to photoshop chickens into a scene of Jurassic Park, just in time for Christmas. Kayla works on a short story while we podcast, just like she did with her novel during English classes. Sara refers to the other cast members as Rachel, Phoebe, […]
Podcast The Pub 43: The Shame Episode
In this episode, we talk about NaNoWriMo, 2021. Dean meets the woman of his dreams in a bookstore and lives happily ever after. Molly writes; she writes endlessly. Sarah grows frustrated, takes her humungous corkboard and leaves the show. And Yurick wins NaNoWriMo! Cast Hosted by Dean Karpowicz, with Molly Krasel, Yurick Makinen, and Sarah […]