When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things was to sneak into my father’s study. It was a wonderful place with bookcases from the floor to the ceiling, an old worn carpet, a torn leather armchair and my father’s beat-up desk. It had its own aroma too—a mixture of old paper, leather, […]
Poetry: Afraid to Ask You by Kyle Singh
Afraid to Ask You Now that you are closer to me than I could have ever imagined it is not love that I have come to with its seeming dependencies and lack of impurity still this fulfillment I cannot get rid of still longing when there is nothing to long flailing into the fact that […]
Fiction: Lightbringer by Louis Richey
I have gone by many names. They called me Forethought, once. Then they called me Traitor, Creator, Lightbringer. I call myself Prometheus. Even I do not remember just how ancient I am. I lived before the gods, when we Titans ruled the heavens and the earth. One day, the gods emerged from the darkness, an […]
Fiction: Cheri Coke: Section Six by James C. Stewart
The statement echoed—as did the realization this would be the natural assumption, even if the news wasn’t reporting a seizure of cash. Hell, for all I knew, those in the shadows might even think a cop (or cops) had stolen the cash, hence no mention of it in the news. The dread eased back a […]