For the final week of our process piece with Jacob Michaud, we asked him his plans for the future and his artist recommendations. Plans for the future For the future, I plan on just making more shit; more collages and drawings as they come to my mind. I really also want to start doing more […]
Novellas: The Old Home Place – Chapter 6
Out front, the lobby was mercifully empty, and she was about to start up the stairs when the bellman slipped in from the dining room, pulling the door softly shut behind him. Seeing her, he whirled around, whipping his hands behind his back as if she’d caught him stealing. “Evening, ma’am,” he said, bowing quickly. […]
Process Piece Week 3
This week, we asked Jacob how long he’s been creating his artwork, and who is in his art. How long I’ve been making my art I have been making my art now for about 2 or 3 years. The collages I’ve been making for the last year, I’d say. I drew a lot when I […]
Novellas: The Old Home Place – Chapter 2
By the time Mae Watkins came in to check on her, Cheryl was standing at the sink dabbing her forehead with a moistened paper towel. “I figured you might need this,” Mae said, holding up Cheryl’s purse. “It came off the plane a minute ago.” Cheryl had to stop herself from diving at the proffered […]