awaygoing the city might miss me when i am gone. there is strength in ambiguity, and despite most likely not missing the city myself, i still do have a validation complex. the fingers will not stretch and wave, though. there will not be a hole in the existence of the city. there will just be […]
Fiction: Cheri Coke: Section Three by James C. Stewart
And from there, the series of events became increasingly sketchy, the memories like a half-finished puzzle with remaining pieces that didn’t fit anywhere. The barmaid had arrived to take his order, then eyed us both with mistrust. I was already a potential problem, and now here was one of the community’s well-known criminals. To be […]
Fiction: The Profound Pumpkin by Ryan Tan
I held the pumpkin while Xavier drew. Two diamonds for eyes, a semicircle for a mouth, and an egg-shaped nose. “Great job,” I said. He beamed. I nodded to the facilitator, a bespectacled brunette in her twenties. She came over and handed me a serrated knife. “Call me if you need help.” I thanked her. […]
Poetry: Datenight by Samuel Wise
Datenight We were in her strange apartment When she got the call. Her grandpa needed his medication and ice cream, So she took off, leaving me with the cat. The cat has two different eyes, One fair blue and bright, The other is like that of a surgeon. Evaluating, examining, investigating, I stared at the […]