The Luscious Alabaster of a Dune tells a tale of camaraderie, night squawking over the moonlight. Two- tongued, the dune sings, laying out the tracks of elation on a new, secret strand. Connect the stars. Sing along with the dune. My ocean dips in the night, discovers my secrets. Lost in the ocean. Alone. All […]
Poetry: Thorns by F. Kate Langan
Thorns I snag on things; Like the wind blown bags In the crooked fingers Of winter trees Or wool on a cold sheep’s back Clutched at by hungry thorns Or seaweed dashed and left dangling By eddying currents Against diamond sharp cliffs. I try to flow smoothly in the river of people But catch my […]
Poetry: Sanitize by A.R. Arthur
Sanitize Rogue anguish is lost on the multiplicity Where sudden terror becomes the norm; Savage bloodshed drying layer after layer Until eyes are mere sockets, Desensitised constructions That sanitise minds and purify hearts With a faulty sense of justifiable acceptance, Manufactured lies we tell ourselves In order to toss and turn at night In hope […]
Poetry: The Last Time by Emiliano Torres
The Last Time Lying cuts the tongue, Taste – torched and twisted Hiding heat repels resolution Leaving lies leaves lament, The truth triumphs, I’ve taken too much time. And with time lent and spent I’ve riddled with discontent, Granted time is torment. Penalized for two centuries And forty-five decades, to compensate, For […]