Main Street was a study in grey, and it appeared the entire town was in hiding. I drove its length, eventually taking a right to find a shabby diner called Yesterday’s Café. In the dusty light, its ramshackle nature put me in mind of some hobo’s idea of a restaurant. But in the sunlight of […]
Fiction: They Start With The Heart by Casey Jarmes
The bullet strikes me in the lower abdomen as I’m climbing the stairs. If it was a normal bullet, it wouldn’t be lethal. But normal bullets haven’t been used in years. The bullet disassembles in my gut, splitting into millions of microscopic machines. The nanobots move from cell to cell like a cancer, ripping me […]
Fiction: Cheri Coke: Section Four by James C. Stewart
The hedges around my house were as high as they were thick; they were downright dangerous along the driveway, blocked sight lines, and during our summer parties, caused more than one fender bender. But that day, as I walked to the car, the privacy they provided was a blessing. And I’d been right about the […]
Fiction: Cheri Coke: Section Three by James C. Stewart
And from there, the series of events became increasingly sketchy, the memories like a half-finished puzzle with remaining pieces that didn’t fit anywhere. The barmaid had arrived to take his order, then eyed us both with mistrust. I was already a potential problem, and now here was one of the community’s well-known criminals. To be […]