Afraid to Ask You Now that you are closer to me than I could have ever imagined it is not love that I have come to with its seeming dependencies and lack of impurity still this fulfillment I cannot get rid of still longing when there is nothing to long flailing into the fact that […]
Poetry: The Book of Never My Always, Overdue by Bobby Parrott
The Book of Never My Always, Overdue My Bible spits out Republicans brandishing Bazookas and hand-grenades. I think they’re from the Book of Revelations, because of that whole Armageddon thing. But when a new bar of soap feels more like an old friend to my nose, the hand-worn pages of all my ancestors splay out […]
Poetry: awaygoing by Abbie Hart
awaygoing the city might miss me when i am gone. there is strength in ambiguity, and despite most likely not missing the city myself, i still do have a validation complex. the fingers will not stretch and wave, though. there will not be a hole in the existence of the city. there will just be […]
Poetry: Cancer
Cancer by Michael T. Smith It was hard to run from this place when it was a part of me. There was a war in me, born sometime in the past. I didn’t know I was pregnant, a Hera of personal strife. There was a frown in me larger than my womb. […]