Market Manufacturing
Maroon husks with sutured eyes darting under thin skin
give way to the great slumber,
The closing off of the pineal gland
now doused in copious concoctions of pharmaceutical intrigue-
Late-stage Capitalism’s gain is our loss
as our souls are surrendered to birth certificates
and our skin is rendered cheap paper
to be doused in ink and forgotten
until our insignificant existences give way to new life,
New husks to be moulded by institutional apparatuses
whose onuses are not to educate and sustain
but to warp and ensure the continuity
of markets never men and women.
A.R. Arthur is a Black Mixed-race poet & writer who has spent most of his life in Kuwait jostling between the UK & America. Anthony’s work has been published over 260 times internationally. Anthony’s Reviews have been published, or are forthcoming over 80 times internationally. Anthony’s Flash Fiction was shortlisted and received an honourable mention in the 2022 The Dillydoun Flash Fiction Prize Competition. Anthony has 3 published chapbooks titled ‘The Great Northern Journey’ 2020 (Lazy Adventurer Publishing) & ‘Vultures’ 2021 (Roaring Junior Press) as well as a novel ‘The Sands of Change’ 2021 (Alien Buddha Press). Anthony’s Chapbook ‘Half Bred’ was the Winner of the 2021 ‘The Poetry Question’ Chapbook contest. Anthony writes for Psychopomp and Reviews at The Poetry Question. Anthony is the EIC of Fahmidan Journal/Publishing & Co and Reviews Editor at Full House Literary.