I Keep Dreaming About My Elementary School Gym Teacher by Alex Ewing
She wore short shorts
Really short
I remember her legs
Tanned and toned
In gym class, I remember
The games we used to play
Dodge Ball, Parachute, Scoop Ball
She keeps appearing in my dreams
She is holding the dodge ball
Searching for a victim
She is bouncing the dodge ball
Seductively, like a big cherry
She is catching the tennis balls
between her Popsicle stick legs
I’m hot and thirsty and
I want a lick of the Popsicle
Bright, red as the cherry ball
Bounding towards my middle
She is wearing the parachute
Like a toga, twirling
Around and around
The colors swirl and I am watching
She is opening and closing the parachute
Like a private show, underneath
Exposing her bare chest on top and
Below still wearing those shorts
Small and tight and I am wondering
How she fits anything in there at all
I am wondering even more than that…
You just would not believe the things she
Did with that ball scoop!
Alex Ewing’s poems have appeared in Genre Urban Arts, Rigorous, Abstract Contemporary Expressions, Juked, Dying Dahlia, Poetry Superhighway and more. Her fiction has appeared in Not Your Mother’s Breastmilk. She lives in central Ohio.