LEAVING UPON EXIT by Paige McBride after Rose Marie Prins painting Free, Tumbling like a […]
Podcast: The Pub 25: You’re a Robot. You Ate a Fish. You Died!
Video Games: Endings and Story In this episode, Sarah contemplates her destiny, Molly takes a nap on the ground, and Dean realizes there is no hope for his body. Cast Hosted by Dean Karpowicz, with Sarah Willis and Molly Krasel. Content Discussed What should a great ending accomplish? Sarah: “Satisfaction!” Dean: “Says the woman who has […]
March Interview Two
For the month of March, we are interviewing artist Nathan about his artwork, how his group New World Order is contributing to revising the art community among minorities in southern Wisconsin, and the struggles that a young artist and entrepreneur faces. Describe one or two of your art pieces, and mention any difficulties you had […]
Poetry: Ten Feet Off Trail, A Mile In
Ten Feet Off Trail, A Mile In by Zebulon Huset Further in the forest, we would find a ring of skeletons wedged against young trees that grew into stable trunks and splayed the bones like Inquisitors—a reference I was far too young to know—but the image that sticks, after much work, is the bicycle ten […]