I wasn’t. Without a word, I fled for the washroom. I regurgitated what little was in me into one of Yesterday’s toilets, then dry-heaved for a minute that felt like a lifetime. I splashed cold water on my face for the second time and ran wet hands through my hair. I met my own dark-circled […]
Fiction: Handsome Little Rabbit by D. Salazar
Handsome little Rabbit was a writer, but this night in particular Rabbit had nothing to write about. Was he a writer anyway? He didn’t know, but he became afraid of not-being, so he put on his jacket and set out to find a good story. He found one inside a hollow tree, a perfect one […]
Poetry: The Book of Never My Always, Overdue by Bobby Parrott
The Book of Never My Always, Overdue My Bible spits out Republicans brandishing Bazookas and hand-grenades. I think they’re from the Book of Revelations, because of that whole Armageddon thing. But when a new bar of soap feels more like an old friend to my nose, the hand-worn pages of all my ancestors splay out […]
Fiction: Cheri Coke: Section Five by James C. Stewart
Main Street was a study in grey, and it appeared the entire town was in hiding. I drove its length, eventually taking a right to find a shabby diner called Yesterday’s Café. In the dusty light, its ramshackle nature put me in mind of some hobo’s idea of a restaurant. But in the sunlight of […]