Market Manufacturing Maroon husks with sutured eyes darting under thin skin give way to the great slumber, The closing off of the pineal gland now doused in copious concoctions of pharmaceutical intrigue- Late-stage Capitalism’s gain is our loss as our souls are surrendered to birth certificates and our skin is rendered cheap paper to be […]
Fiction FEATURED AUTHOR: Ruth Ticktin’s Returned
At a stuffy banquet honoring soldiers who fought the Great War, a man approached Mollie and whispered in her ear. “Casualties, thousands needing immediate treatment. Transporting them to an old monastery. Working crazy, all hours. Death, over and over.” His head drooped low. “Too many dying. We loaded soldiers on stretchers, train cars to makeshift […]
Fiction: Cheri Coke: Section Ten by James C. Stewart
“You would have killed me, Cheri. And we both know it.” I was talking to the dead, and shivering uncontrollably. Genuinely worried for my sanity, I fumbled with the Fiero’s heater. I followed the Monte Carlo’s misty taillights with a resolve born of resignation. We drove through the sleeping town. Terry was headed for a […]
Fiction: Cheri Coke: Section Eight by James C. Stewart
I went over the exchange while driving home. They obviously didn’t have anything, or I would have been arrested. Even if—and it was a considerable if— the witness (‘Snooper’s Society’ caused me to chuckle upon reflection) was able to describe the person in the truck, so what? What did they really have? A dark-haired individual […]