Main Street was a study in grey, and it appeared the entire town was in hiding. I drove its length, eventually taking a right to find a shabby diner called Yesterday’s Café. In the dusty light, its ramshackle nature put me in mind of some hobo’s idea of a restaurant. But in the sunlight of […]
Fiction: They Start With The Heart by Casey Jarmes
The bullet strikes me in the lower abdomen as I’m climbing the stairs. If it was a normal bullet, it wouldn’t be lethal. But normal bullets haven’t been used in years. The bullet disassembles in my gut, splitting into millions of microscopic machines. The nanobots move from cell to cell like a cancer, ripping me […]
Fiction: The Profound Pumpkin by Ryan Tan
I held the pumpkin while Xavier drew. Two diamonds for eyes, a semicircle for a mouth, and an egg-shaped nose. “Great job,” I said. He beamed. I nodded to the facilitator, a bespectacled brunette in her twenties. She came over and handed me a serrated knife. “Call me if you need help.” I thanked her. […]
Poetry: Coal to Burn the World by Elinora Westfall
Coal to Burn the World I do not belong here. I, do not belong Belly down against flat earth I, Splinter like sheet glass beneath boots that crack my spine I. Do not belong. I, a feather bed to my own head My Own, very particular kind of madness Lying here, on the ground Life […]