
Fiction: Vanessa Hoffman’s Conversations on Life and Living and Death and Dying: Section Five by Victor Kreuiter

Seventeen was grim. There would be weeks when the scramble looked to be paying off. She could breathe easier. Her limbs felt like they belonged to her again. She would get chipper and feel confident that she had some control over her life and her health. She’d look ahead, she’d think ahead and plan ahead […]


Fiction: Vanessa Hoffman’s Conversations on Life and Living and Death and Dying: Section Four by Victor Kreuiter

Seventeen started out well. Vanessa excelled at school. She had an active social life. She had a job after school, at the public library, three nights a week. She was talking about college. She had a wide circle of friends and finally, a driver’s license, and everything about her life was lighter and brighter. The […]


Fiction: Vanessa Hoffman’s Conversations on Life and Living and Death and Dying: Section Three by Victor Kreuiter

Vanessa spent most of sixteen at home. Her hair and eyebrows grew back, her color returned, and a glow returned to her skin. She lost the lethargy, her eyes brightened, her posture improved, she gained stamina (and weight), and became a healthy sixteen-year-old. There were still routine examinations. Her doctors were relaxed, their comments were […]