Market Manufacturing Maroon husks with sutured eyes darting under thin skin give way to the great slumber, The closing off of the pineal gland now doused in copious concoctions of pharmaceutical intrigue- Late-stage Capitalism’s gain is our loss as our souls are surrendered to birth certificates and our skin is rendered cheap paper to be […]
Poetry: Cat by Martha Strom
Cat i came home crazed the cat willy dubbed diamond, electrified, raced around, almost tripping me several times it might have been that she saw i was keeping my external behavior in check, who knows, but in any case she lay at the foot of my bed like an egyptian monolith— a sphinx– the embodiment […]
Poetry: Bucha 2022 by Allison Carroll
Bucha 2022 Dark smudges in the sky, or is it black feathers? You see them now. Black birds. Ravens and vultures circling over Kyiv. In the city outskirts, red soldiers are invading. You hear them marching, and the hammering sound is getting louder. You hear frightening gunfire. You wonder who was killed. A family member? […]
Poetry: The Bath by David Sapp
The Bath Something – everything Wrong all wrong I know now I didn’t then I burst in – intuitively Propelled by my Own vague memory There a too familiar Too intimate scene Mother and little sister In the bath together Annulling “perfectly innocent” Mother reclining in warm water Child standing shivering Naked confused paralysis At […]