11 Thomas woke up thrashing. Terrified. His heart pounded as he tried to pin the source of his alarm. There was a rustling outside the front door. A big rustling. Pots and pans and glass bottles clashed together violently and something hit the front door. There was a monster outside. Giant nostrils snorted angrily and […]
Podcast The Pub 44: A Creem Magazine (with Halloween Picks)
In this episode, we share our book, movie, and game picks for Halloween. Sarah finds her long lost and beloved Freddy Kruger sweater and wears it to the show. Trey dresses up like Batman, just like he has done every day since the age of seven. And Dean just sits there looking like a completely […]
Poetry: A Restless Young Man by David Sapp
A Restless Young Man I was a restless young man, Presto agitato. However, I wasn’t the head-banging sort. For some odd reason, while My art school classmates Nodded to punk, the Sex Pistols Or Redness, a Cleveland band – Thin, ragged kids who bolted And welded sharp steel sculptures – Late at night, in […]
Podcast The Pub 43: The Shame Episode
In this episode, we talk about NaNoWriMo, 2021. Dean meets the woman of his dreams in a bookstore and lives happily ever after. Molly writes; she writes endlessly. Sarah grows frustrated, takes her humungous corkboard and leaves the show. And Yurick wins NaNoWriMo! Cast Hosted by Dean Karpowicz, with Molly Krasel, Yurick Makinen, and Sarah […]